Held by Mother Earth
I decided to make a transition in my life. It is not 100% my making but it is a push that Mother Earth is giving me via the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus has taught me to slow down, to connect to my loved ones, to form community and to work in the community, composting, planting, cooking, taking care of one another, contributing to the house, and sharing stories. I feel for the ones that are suffering because they are carrying the suffering for all of us, but some of has have the space to shift and I think that is what Mother Earth is calling me to do. There are different ways of living and many can be aligned with Mother Earth, working with her, taking care of her, enjoying her, admiring her, falling in love with her, and her magical spells, embracing her and let her embrace us. The teaching that I am receiving is that now is the time. I have been learning a lot in the past years from several extremely inspiring teachers and I feel like I am ready to fly, so because of this I am leaving the safe port of my work and I am going to cross the misty mountains with my community. We are ready.
At the beginning of this year, I was talking to my family regarding how I was longing for a crisis because I knew something in our system of coexisting in this Earth needed to change, but I did not have the right tools or contacts and the system was so engrained that I thought that a crisis would be necessary for any shift to happen. Not that I wanted to see people suffering but I wanted a wake-up call for me, for humanity. Two months later the Coronavirus was spreading globally. I felt the call, I hesitated, but then my heart started talking as well and I could not play deaf. This is what I was longing for and now it was in front of me. I needed to act. Right before this feeling my boss had just postponed a catchup meeting we were going to have and now the meeting was after this feeling had risen and was in the main stage. I took it as a sign. I needed to make the move then. No one knew except my wife that this was brewing in me and because I knew this was the path, I decided to tell my boss I was leaving before consulting with anyone else. Scary, scary, scary, how can I decide by myself what is the best thing to do? what am I going to do next? how are we going to make it? Questions and fear arose. Then I got some clarity. There will be doubt and struggle and fear. We must weather it, it will pass. The image was that I was floating in a space and I had just let go of something in a place of familiarity and brightness and slowly I was floating into the darkness. Reactively and fearfully I wanted to reach back and grab myself from the brightness but I didn’t, I knew that the longer I could stay in the darkness the more comfortable I would be and soon I would be able to start seeing in the darkness and seeing new lights, new possibilities. The excitement is growing daily, and the fear dips are regular now, but I have faith and confidence that I am on the right path now.
I still have a month and a half to go to work, so the transition is slow. I feel more confident by the day. I was scared of telling my family but I have faced the fears and my family has been extremely supportive. This is a sign. Everyone needs a community to be able to do the work they are here to do. This was extremely well put in the oracle card I was offered this weekend. One of my good friends, Javi, offered me to take a card from the oracle deck, so I closed my eyes, shuffled the cards, asked for a sign confirming me that my decision was right and without hesitating I turned over the first card… The misty mountain showed up in front of me, twice. Javi had a poster of the misty mountain as well so it was a double alignment. The misty mountain means to challenge, means composure, means stamina, means being at the top of our game, means camaraderie, means unsafe, means unknown, and means the kingdom of our ancestors on the other side. The message was clear. As Bob Marley put it “and though the road is rocky, still feels good to me”. The journey is starting and the trials and tribulations of the misty mountain await.
Last week I interviewed for the Roots of Impact podcast one of my life mentors. Asia Suler. Her work has transformed my world and has given me tools to connect deeply with Mother Earth and I have been able to start hearing to my intuition that is currently guiding me with Mother Earth’s support. In the podcast, Asia shared with me that Mother Earth is always listening and is ready to connect and that we can ask her to show as a sign that she is listening. This morning while I was doing my yoga practice I remembered Asia’s teaching, and since I am human and doubt still creeps in, even in the most sacred places, I asked Mother Earth to give me a sign that leaving my job was the right thing to do. At first, I asked her to show me a butterfly if leaving my job was the correct path, but then I thought that I have been seeing butterflies every day so that sign would not convince me, so I asked her to show me an oropendola bird, which is a bird that I had seen only once since I arrived in Costa Rica and I resonated with its song. The day started with the morning routine and then work. At around 2 pm I took a break for lunch and since everyone else had already had lunch, I watched Asia’s first video of her free Opening Earth Intuition course and there was the teaching again, Mother Earth is communicating with us and we can ask her for a sign. The video finished and I went outside to go dump the compost and to go back to work but suddenly I hear… the oropendola was signing with its characteristic song. Shivers covered me completely, as they do while I write this. I listened carefully again since the oropendolas’ chirps have significant space between each other. I heard it again, I moved towards the sound. I heard it again, I was getting closer. I open the back door of the house and looked towards the park and there I could see her silhouette on a branch of the black walnut tree 100 meters away from where I was. I was in awe. Mother Earth was speaking to me, literally speaking to me through the oropendola letting me know that the time to start the work is now and not to fear that she has my back. I am completely grateful to be able to receive the sign and message so clear. And this is just the beginning of what I have learned with Asia. Like Charles Bukowski says, if you are going to try, go all the way!
The first project I will be working on is the Roots of Impact podcast where we are interviewing amazing leaders, teachers, and healers so we can learn from them and we can present tools to who listens to us so they can create an impact in their lives and their community. As I said, my last interview, which is coming out May 21st, was with Asia, which was an honor for me and a dream come true. I was able to talk in person to one of my greatest teachers. In addition to that this year we are honored to be an affiliate to Asia’s Intuitive Plant Medicine course which I took two years ago and changed my life. The course opens for registration on May 18th but Asia is currently offering a free 4 class series course called Opening Earths’s Intuition which is the course I mentioned previously and it is happening as we speak. You can register for the course for free here (https://onewillowapothecaries.com/opening-earth-intuition-sign-up//ref/rootsofimpactpodcast) and you can get an understanding of the wisdom Asia shares. If you are looking for Earthly signs or if you need guidance in a crossroad in your life or if you want to connect to your intuition or your ancestors or your dreams, this is the course for you. Check her out, she has so much wisdom.
I leave you with that. I am so grateful to be able to perceive and receive the message of Mother Earth. I feel empowered by her. I love her.
Big hug to everyone and let’s stay in touch to make this transition happen. We can live in a beautiful way aligned with our work.