
I have always been relatively healthy and loving of the outdoors. I did not like taking "drugs" or "alcohol" when I was young. I belived and still believe in the purity of the body. However, in my young age I had a narrow perspective on life. When I left for university things started changing. My horizons started expanding. I was always into the lyrics of songs and in my young years I listened to love music or Guns and Roses (specially their love songs). In university that started shifting also. I started listening to Bob Marley and his perspective of the world started resonating with me. He eventually introduced me to marihuana, he was my master. I became open to it and a good friend of mine provided it one day, and there he was, Bob Marley himself rising from a poster, dressed as a doctor, showing up to healing me and show me a new way. It was a mind shifting and opening experience. My perspective on how to live life changed. I wanted to live in community, I wanted to live simply, live spiritually and connected to Mother Earth.

Many years later another mystic crossed my life and introduced me to mushrooms. He introduced me to them in such a magical way. He told me that the mushrooms made our regular self fall asleep and they woke up the gnome in us. That is exactly what I felt. I became a gnome in the forest, deeply connecting with every single being. The plants caressed me and protected me and made me feel safe. My world expanded even futher and up to this day I carry the perspective and the truth that everything is alive and we are all connected. It is a beautiful way to live life. This experience embarked me on my herbalism journey. I wanted to connect to plants to learn about their healing powers. I have since met other teachers that have taught me to connect with plants without the need of mushrooms. I feel like the right plants/beings have come my way in each moment of the journey to guide me through life. It is a magical life and I am so grateful to be living it. #Thankyouplantmedicine
