My Body Knows the Way
My body is wise. It is my temple, literally, it is where I go to pray, to be humbled, to learn, to feel, and to be guided. My body is my compass. It is my first, closest interaction with Mother Earth. It is made up of ancient particles and millions of microorganisms. My body is wise, and I listen for its teachings.
Two weeks ago, I had the two episodes where the Universe and Mother Earth clearly pointed me on my path through the misty mountains. In parallel to these episodes I was having some intense bodily sensations. The day in which the misty mountains were revealed to me I had woken up with a debilitating lower back pain that humbled me for the next several days. It made me be grateful for my body and the importance of keeping it healthy and strong. My body is my vehicle in life, I want to have it in top shape in all senses. This pain made me get closer to Mother Earth in the sense that I was not able to do the regular bending over but I had to actually put my knees on the ground, in praying position, for most of the activities as needed to do.
A couple of days later, as Mother Earth revealed my path forward with the Oropendola and with the lower back pain still present, I started getting some rumbles in my stomach and my intestines. It coincided with some breathing exercises that I have been practicing to balance out my sexual energy that massaged my intestines and coincided with a potentially overdue beet soup I ate. The next day the rumbles and the bathroom goings became more frequent. I also realize that the back pain migrated to the upper right area of my back. Things were getting more intense in my body. The next day I was again humbled and put in bed by my body. I had extremely low energy, the rumbles in my stomach became cramps, my body was trying to expel something out. I was drained just laying in bed watching out of the window, just being, allowing my body to go through its full motions and loving myself and just contemplating. I started feeling that my body was not only undergoing a physical reaction in response to something, but it was actually reacting on a cosmic or spiritual level, I started feeling that I was undergoing a transformation.
The next night I was able to sleep a bit better and the next day I was able to get out of bed after 36 hours of being in bed. My back pain had interestingly migrated to my neck. I had a stiff neck the entire day but the stomach cramps had gone down. I was feeling better.
However, my body was not stopping there. That night the cramps came in again full force and the diarrhea was full-blown. I was going to the bathroom every hour to two hours and the bathroom session lasted twenty minutes with intense cramps. I had not eaten for a day at this point so slowly I was getting to a point that I had nothing to expel but my body was making sure that nothing was left inside. It was cleaning itself up, cleaning the digestive system vessel, cleaning the engine. I spent the entire next day in this form. My stiff neck turned into an intense headache on the upper right front side of my head. I was completely weak at the mercy of my wife and Mother Earth. As I talk with in my podcast with Asia Suler, I had to let go to let myself be held. I just laid, slept, read, and felt. The message started becoming clearer. My body was transforming itself to get ready for the next chapter of my life. It needed to get rid of all the old and colonize with some fresh gut bacteria. Gut bacteria that will guide me from my gut to take each step of the way across these misty mountains of life.
The next morning, last Sunday, I started coming back to life. I was starting to feel that the death was being completed and that I was starting to be reborn. Towards the middle of the day I was able to eat something and it was so good!
The cramps slowly became weaker and slowly I started getting better the next couple of days. I even took my son to school on the bike going up and down big Costa Rican hills. Even though I had not much to eat in the past days I felt that my body was fresh, it was agile, it was able to climb mountains without the need for a lot of will power, which was what I needed before. My body regained its innate strength through a deep cleanse and transformation.
I am so grateful to be on this journey and opening up channels of communication to be able to feel my body. I was able to have the community support to just lay in bed humbly while my body did its thing, without having to interrupt the process with numbing medication. I was able to let myself be held, transformed, and reborn.