Naya begins...
Welcome to the -NayaSupercamp- blog. A collaborative blog to share what we all have to share. Be a super hero!
We all have superpowers but sometimes life gets in the way. What I want to show you is the SuperCamp perspective … Also, I will be collaborating with other awareness bringers to broaden my views and to be able to share deeper insights of this magical, galactic journey called life.
There are two main purposes for this blog. One is to give an outlet channel to my creative side as I mention in the About page. And second to share with you interesting perspectives that might create a break in the patterns and loops of our day to day lives. Let’s stop and think about trivial things that we might normally take for granted. It boils down to being grateful for what we have.
Thinking about it a little more, I think the ultimate goal is to create a space where we can do what we love to do. A place where we can express ourselves for our benefit and the benefit of the whole. We have many inspiring people in our lives that can teach us and show us so many things in different ways. Through this blog, I will be channeling them into your world.
The idea is to create posts every 2 or 3 days, or every 19 days if randomness creeps in.
I am thinking about having several different sections in the blog:
- Live Music Friday Section (live recordings of ourselves and friends)
- Sharing of Perspective Section
- Interview Section
- Experimental Section
These are all ideas for now, but stay tuned to see how this masterpiece takes shape!
In summary -NayaSupercamp- is about creating our magical space in this sometimes perceived as rushed, turbulent and chaotic existence.