Nature Talks Series – Getting ready for the spring!

Hello family! It's the Nature Talks series once again. First, the main update in the Creative Garden… We finished the willow fence and it looks amazing!!! I took 3 Sunday afternoon sessions with an average of 7 people to finish an approximately 100 meter willow fence. It was great fun, therapeutic, and I learned a lot. The fence will now be used to grow beer hops and other climbing plants, it will act as a wind barrier for our garden and it is already giving the garden a sense of containment, which gives it a cozy feeling. I cannot wait till spring!

It is always really nice to be outside, in spite of the cold, working with my hands and connecting with people and nature, working on projects for the benefit of all. I love getting muddy, I feel like my inner child is out playing. Connecting with the soil is best medicine, it connects me with all these wonderful beings. In summary, let’s get ‘dirty’ it’s good for us. As my Dad would say, “it is ‘clean’ dirt”.

In our Sunday sessions we always take a break to share food that we all bring which is really bonding, and last Sunday we were blessed to have papa Sun shining, so we were able to sit outside and enjoy some hot drinks and delicious, made with love, food.

In the evening, after work, and as a special treat, Daniel and Ish lit up the oven and we warmed ourselves up before heading back home. We were also getting the oven ready for out next cookout. The night was magical, no clouds, just stars starting to sparkle in the sky.

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Next big project coming up… Designing and planting 300 shrubs and trees the weekend of February 6th.

Other than that we have scheduled our kickoff/idea brainstorming session for the Garden at Thuis in Wageningen, NL next week on January 27th, so if you are close to, or in Wageningen that day, come join us. We will go over what is going on in the Creative Garden right now and we will have an interactive session with all of you to come up with more ideas for activities this spring and summer. Come join us!

And remember, if you are a member of the Garden and you come help out you can reap the gifts of Mother Earth.

In the personal/relationship stratosphere, Elke, Lupe and I are looking for a new place to live. We need to move out of the house by March 10th. We are trying to get a room or a small apartment here in Wageningen because we love this town but we are also open and expanding our search to places outside Wageningen since the market is really competitive and our situation is a bit special with Lupe and all. We have been exploring the possibility of Wwoofing and maybe France because Dave has some relatives there. We are excited about all the possibilities that are arising. Life is magical!

Stay tuned! This Saturday we will have another Wellness talk with Chris where we will go over the Permaculture principles.

Blessings family!!!

For more photos on these projects go to Nayasupercamp on Instagram.